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Mercure et Argus is a project developed as part of the Musée de Beaux Arts de Lyon 2023 nocturne in collaboration with MAAAV (Music Applied to Visual Arts master).

The painting, by Jacob Jordaens, features the Greek-Roman mythological scene of Mercure and Argus. In Ovid's "Metamorphoses", we learn that Jupiter fell in love with the Nymph Io, causing the fury of his wife, Hera. To protect her, Jupiter transformed Io into a cow (top right). Unfortunately, she finds herself in the custody of Argus, the hundred-eyed monster who never sleeps (old shepherd). Jupiter sends Mercure, the winged messenger (left), to rescue Io by bewitching Argus with his flute and cutting off his head.

A flute, clarinet and bassoon ensemble presents this piece in three movements. First, "L'arrivée" (The Arrival) introduces the protagonists, followed by "Le duel" (The Duel), which illustrates the opposition between Mercure and Argus, and ends with "La libération" (The Liberation), which opens the way to Io's future.

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L’Afrique en Lumières est un projet réalisé en collaboration avec E-Artsup Montpellier dans le cadre du festival Coeur de Ville en Lumières 2023 avec l’orgnaisation de la ville de Montpellier. Composée en collaboration avec Matthieu Monot, la bande sonore retrace une variété d’instruments traditionnels du continent africain accompagnés de l’orchestre et sonorités électroniques.

Projeté sur l’eglise Saint Pierre, le film est un hommage aux artistes Lina Iris Viktor, Wise Two, Mohammed Abou Elwafa et Thandiwe Muriu.

© 2023 by Matei Pouzet